2019年2月12日 星期二

[New!] 國泰Cadet Pilot 招聘流程 2020

Stage 1A Part1: Computer based attitude test + Technical Questionnaire (FAA Book)
CX會放棄沿用10多年的Compass Test, 由新的Cut-E test取代

- Attention: Reaction Rate

- Attention: Monitoring Ability


沿用10多年的JKI Knowledge Test也會取消, 改用FAA的pilot handbook 作knowledge test

Stage 1A Part 2: ICAO Test

Stage 1B: Initial interview

Stage 2 Group Exercises , Flight planning and Technical interview
(Update Dec 19 : Flight Planning 已取消)

Stage 3 Medical and HR Ref Check

2017年8月26日 星期六

Airbus Coding Themes

 For Airbus they use A3XX-BCD 
Where XX is the family of aircraft (A320/30/40/50/80) 
And -BCD is their code for the specific model/engine/thrust rating of that family.

B for the specific model
for the engine
D for thrust rating

A330-243 is an A330-(2)00 series aircraft 
powered by Rolls Royce (4) , (3) Trent 772B 320kn power

A330-244 is an A330-(2)00 powered by 
Rolls Royce (4),  (4) Trent 775 at  334kN thrust 

Airbus A330-202 is An Airbus A330-(2)00 
Powered by a General Electric (0), 
CF6-80E1A4 at 311kN thrust (2)

2017年8月10日 星期四

Stage 1A: Technical Questionnaire

The intent of this questionnaire is to assess a candidate’s ability to comprehend and recall basic aviation knowledge. The questionnaire will also assess motivation and help prepare a basic grounding applicable to future flying training and examinations.
To prepare, candidates should download the following manual:
Pilot’s handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, which can be downloaded here http://bit.ly/2lqLSzS.
While general knowledge assessment, particularly in the technical Interview will not be restricted to specific areas, in preparing for the written questionnaire candidates should focus their learning on the following chapters:
  • Chapter 4 – Principles of Flight
  • Chapter 5 – Aerodynamics of Flight
  • Chapter 6 – Flight Controls
  • Chapter 7 – Aircraft Systems (7-1 to 7-19)
  • Chapter 12 – Weather Theory
    The questionnaire will consist of multiple-choice questions derived from the above chapters. A section on Cathay Pacific company knowledge will also be included. 

2017年5月4日 星期四

國泰Cadet Pilot 2017招聘流程 [4月最新更新]

*This one is outdated, please refer to the latest one http://bit.ly/2SKuCsP*

從5月開始,國泰會更新其招聘流程, CX希望新流程能將整個selection process縮短至6個月以內

Stage 1 Computer based attitude test
CX會放棄沿用10多年的Compass Test, 由新的Cut-E test取代

- Attention: Reaction Rate

- Memory: Locations on Map
- Orientation: Jumbled Pipes
- Psycho-motorics: Runway Multitasking
- Psycho-motorics: Tube Flight
- Reasoning: Diagrammatic Series
- Reasoning: Spot the Difference
- Maths: Maths Word Problems

- Maths: Number Series 

Stage 2 initial interview + Technical Questionnaire (FAA Book)
沿用10多年的JKI Knowledge Test也會取消, 改用FAA的pilot handbook 作knowledge test
請參考: http://bit.ly/2uMyBoI

Stage 3 Group Exercises , Flight planning and Technical interview

Stage 4 Icao English Exam
會由NZ的電話改為傳統面對面的ICAO Test

Stage 5 Medical

2017年4月21日 星期五

國泰Cadet Pilot 2017招聘流程

*This one is outdated, please refer to the latest one http://bit.ly/2q0t1QI*

Initial Selection
Day 1
  • Basic Aviation knowledge MC test - from the FAA book
  • Compass Aptitude Test
  • Reasoning Test
  • Personality Assesment
  • Interview
Final Selection
  • Group Exercises
  • Panel Interview (General & Technical)
  • Class 1 Medical
  • ICAO English Test
  • Computer Based Test

2017年2月27日 星期一


772: 4 Exit doors
773: Rolls Royce engines
But I think it is enough to know how to recognized the fleet of CX only